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Cancellation Policy

Cancellations are supported strictly up until three (3) weeks before the date of the race. Any kind of cancellation request should only be sent to the following email: info [at] heydayroad [dot] org

In all cases of cancellations requests sent up until the above date to the above email, the registration fee is refunded to the applicant, after the deduction of fifty euro (€50) as handling fees, regardless the race/ level of registration and reason of cancellation. It is noted that any NGO donations are non-refundable. Cancellation requests sent after 3rd of June 2023 are not accepted and there is no possibility for refunds.

Any additional change/inquiry after the registration settlement from the participant will be charged thirty euro (€30) for the extra handling fees.


Deferral of one’s entry to the 2023 event of “Heyday Road” is NOT possible